Save. Lives. Now.
SWARM™ is a patented technology that collects real time onsite information through various smartphone users simultaneously in order to aid and enhance intel needed by first responders during an emergency.
Displays real time onsite intelligence
Relays a “Signature of Violence”®
Simultaneously integrates video from multiple smartphones
Generates geospatially referenced sets of live user metrics
Creates virtual positioning and locating
Leverages smartphone features (camera, gyroscope, accelerometer, microphone, etc.)
How it’s Used
Users would download the SWARM™ app and should an incident occur, they’d open the app to live stream with video what is happening in real-time on location, delivering a “Signature of Distress”®. First responders would be able to view the live stream, location, and other information in the app to make smart, safe, and quick rescue decisions.
Easy app download
Point and capture usage
Robust behind-the-scenes data
Join rescue forces armed only with a cell phone


The SWARM™ smartphone app interface is easy to download and use.
The “Stinger View” from the user’s perspective includes:
Remote sensing system with video stream
Intuitive view of a person’s observations in real time on location
Power in numbers – advanced framework for instant group aggregation and connection
On-the-scene informatics: what, where, and when as event unfolds
The “Queen Bee View” from the first-responders perspective includes:
Master view of emergency with all users present
Aggregated individual informatics
Unlimited potential of users present in data
Feedback to users
Monitor dynamic unfolding situation for immediate action
Unprecedented levels of awareness
Vast amount of real time information
Central command center while sharing in parallel with responders in field

Start saving lives
School systems, organizations, and everyday users can contribute to rescue missions by simply turning their phones on at the right moment. Learn how today.